
I have been working with product and project management in the media, IoT and retail industry. Since 2017 I am working as an Account Director at r->er.

KTH logo


I studied Media Technology at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and majored in HCI and interaction design. I did my master thesis at Capgemini within management, investigating digital content monetization on the Swedish TV broadcasting market.

Image of a Dalecarlian horse


I grew up in the small town of Ludvika in Sweden and later moved to Stockholm to study engineering at The Royal Institute of Technology. I graduated from their Media Technology programme in the beginning of 2011 and has since been working with product and project management within the media, IoT and retail industry.

Who am I? Alexander Biledt.

Born in the region of Dalarna in Sweden. Moved to Stockholm to persuade my Master of Science in Engineering of Media Technology at The Royal Institute of Technology. Currently working as a project manager within the media, IoT and retail industry.

Image of me

r->er HBO logotype

My current job? Account Director at r->er.

I work as an Account Director and Project Manager at r->er. Currently managing all apps @ HBO Nordic.

Where do I want to go? You tell me.

Connect with me on social networks or contact me via mail/telephone to discuss the future. I'm open for possibilities!

+46 (0)70 - 568 16 32